Illustration of a woman sick with the flu or trangkaso

Illustration of a woman sick with the flu or trangkaso

Health Made Simple

Ano Ang Mabisang Gamot Sa Trangkaso?

Along with the rainy season comes illnesses like the flu that swoops in to compromise our health. When flu comes knocking at your door, here are reliable medicines you can trust for swift relief.

The rainy season means cold and cozy weather where we spend the mornings and afternoons snuggled in comfortable sweaters. We also savor and use this time to cook food at home that will help us keep ourselves warm against the chilly weather.

But along with the rain comes the many illnesses that can make us turn in our sick leaves at work. In fact, doctors are advising people to get ready as we enter the flu season in the country.

Ano ang flu o trangkaso?

Flu or influenza is commonly known as trangkaso to many Filipinos. It is a viral infection caused by an influenza virus that attacks our body’s respiratory system and is one of the common illnesses associated with the rainy season.

Flu is usually caused by the virus infecting our nose, throat, and lungs. It spreads when the person with flu sneezes, coughs, or in any way sends or transfers the droplets with the virus into the air, surfaces, or directly to others.

Ano ang mga sintomas ng trangkaso?

Influenza flu has almost the same symptoms as the common cold, which is also a contagious viral infection. However, colds usually develop slowly and can hold you down for just a moment. Flu, on the other hand, comes on suddenly and can make you feel worse and very sick.

Here are the common trangkaso symptoms and signs that you should look out for:High fever

  • Headache
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Eye pain
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Body aches
  • Chills and sweats
  • Shortness of breath

Symptoms usually improve within a week. For older adults with weak immune systems, contracting or having flu can be dangerous as they can be at risk for flu-related complications like pneumonia. Regardless of the age group that you are in, it is important to know how you can protect yourself from being exposed to the virus.

Paano maiwasan ang magkaroon ng trangkaso?

We need to take extra precaution against the flu as we continue to curb the spread of COVID-19. So here are some easy and practical ways you can do to keep yourself and your family safe.

Avoid crowded places

The easiest way to avoid contracting viruses is by limiting your contact with people, as the flu can easily spread in confined and crowded places. Wearing a face mask when going outside, especially for people with a weaker immune system, is highly advised. This will help lessen the number of droplets you are transferring into the air, surfaces, or even to other people. In return, wearing a mask will also protect you from being exposed to the virus.

It can also help if you observe and keep your distance from people who are sick, coughing, sneezing, or showing any flu symptoms.

Frequently wash your hands

The flu can live and stay on surfaces you usually come in contact with, like doorknobs, counters, and light switches. To add more, while the pandemic is still here, you should ensure and get into the habit of washing your hands regularly.

With this, you should also observe and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, especially if you haven’t washed or sanitized your hands yet. While germs can travel through the air, they can also easily enter your body if you touch your face with infected and dirty hands.

You can bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer or alcohol if water and soap are unavailable. When washing your hands, use warm and soapy water and rub them together for about 20 to 30 seconds. Make sure to rinse and dry them after with a clean towel.

Boost immunity with food and sleep

Having a strong immune system helps your body fight viruses and infections. In addition, when you get infected or become sick, this will help reduce the severity of the flu symptoms you can feel and encounter.

You can build your immunity by eating a healthy and nutrient-rich diet, exercising regularly at least three times a week, and getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. You can also consider taking supplements and multivitamins to strengthen your immune system.

Disinfect counters and surfaces

Certain areas in your home are prone to germs and viruses to live and stay on. Taking extra measures to clean exposed surfaces, places, and things inside your house can help reduce the flu risk. Make sure to use a disinfectant cleaner and wipe down high-touch surfaces several times a day.

Ang mabisang proteksyon at gamot sa trangkaso

Who wouldn’t want to spend the rainy season without any of you and your loved ones getting sick? But as everyone becomes more prone to illnesses at this time, it can also be hard avoiding them to an extent. Worry not, because we have reinforcements you can trust to help you with your flu recovery.


Bioflu is the best partner that you can have in recovering from flu and treating minor respiratory tract infections. Bioflu provides relief for body pain, chills, cough and sore throat, clogged and runny nose, and fever.

Biogesic Orange Syrup

Of course, we also have something for your babies and little kids aged 12 years old and below. Here’s Biogesic Orange Syrup that will help relieve them from aches and pains caused by flu, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and reduce fever.

Aside from relying on these trusted medicines to combat the flu, here are easy and helpful tips you can do at home to recover quickly.

Make sure you get ample rest as this strengthens and boosts your immune system to help you recover from the flu.

You might also want to consider placing a humidifier in your room. Germs and viruses live longer in dry air, and every indoor atmosphere tends to be dryer than outdoors. Having a humidifier will help humidify and reduce the living viruses in the air.

There’s no denying the comfort that the rainy season brings. There are delicious and warm food to enjoy and cozy blankets to snuggle in. Still, you should not let your guard down and always be wary of the illnesses that could jeopardize your health.

When the flu comes for you and your loved ones, don’t forget that you have your reliable medicines to swoop in for your relief. — (MyPharma)

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