Support Your Eyes & Prevent Blurry Vision With Lutein

When poor eyesight gets in the way of your daily activities, making a few tweaks in your diet and reaping the benefits of carotenoids like Lutein might just help.

We rely on our eyes for almost everything we do, from helping us make our way in the kitchen to learning new fitness routines to get us in shape. But most importantly, it's thanks to our vision that we can take in every detail of each milestone and priceless moment. However, countless individuals also struggle with blurry vision and poor eyesight, which brings some challenges to their day-to-day lives.

Genetics and age-related vision decline are some of the common causes of bad eyesight. Fortunately, through prescription glasses and the guidance of an optometrist, many people can get the help they need. And with proper diet and exercise plus just the right supplementation, you can steer away from the most common causes of vision decline in the years ahead. For now, let's take a closer look at one of the key nutrients that affect your eyesight.

How do Carotenoids save your eyes?

When you're planning an eye-friendly diet, you have to keep your eyes peeled for food rich in carotenoids. This simply means going for leafy greens like kale, broccoli, spinach, and peas. But by incorporating these into your diet, it's also important to understand how exactly carotenoids help your eyes.

For fruits and vegetables, carotenoids assume the role of giving each food its vibrant red, orange, yellow, and green pigments.

As for your eyes, carotenoids act as antioxidants that preserve the integrity of the macula, which is the most sensitive part of your retina.

This crucial area is found at the center of the eye and is responsible for sharp vision and color perception.

Three carotenoids are found in your eyes: Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin. These three make up the macular pigment that protects your eyes from the damaging effects of blue light. Without these carotenoids, you may risk getting Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Those affected by AMD experience blurry vision and gradual visual decline that hinders them from certain activities like reading and driving. Although there's currently no cure for AMD, several studies suggest that the disease can be prevented, even delayed.

Open your eyes to the benefits of Lutein

Many studies dedicated to carotenoids show just how integral our vision is to our daily lives. And by taking a look at the results, we begin to see hope for the healthy state of our eyesight.

A comprehensive study reveals that dietary supplementation with Lutein significantly supports the macula and visual perception of patients affected by AMD. With these findings, it's no surprise to see the sheer availability of high-quality food supplements that contain Lutein and zeaxanthin. Luckily, you can also stock up on Lutein supplements right here at MyPharma.

Love your eyes with Optein

Get your daily dose of Lutein with Optein Lutein. Each box contains vitamins C, E, Zinc, and FloraGLO Lutein for well-rounded support for your eye health.

However, it's best to keep in mind that although food supplements can be a helpful aid, they shouldn't come without a healthy lifestyle. To help you on your way, here are some eye-friendly tips to remember.

More ways to support your eyesight

1. Reduce screen time

With anti-blue light glasses, you can protect your eyes from the digital devices you use that emit these harmful rays. But even without these convenient glasses, reducing your screen time can also help curb blue light's adverse effects. Keeping a safe distance from your device and blinking often to prevent dryness are also practical ways to care for your eyes.

2. Avoid rubbing your eyes

If rubbing your eyes is an unconscious habit, it's time to start being more mindful. This seemingly harmless habit may damage the lens of your eyes and lead to infection or more severe impairment. If your eyes feel unbearably itchy, you may opt to use eye solutions like Systane Ultra Eye Drops that relieves irritation. Applying a cool compress over your eyes can also do the work.

3. Protect your eyes from the sun

When you have your day out in the sun, it's not just your skin that needs protection but your eyes too. Surprising as it may sound, but your eyes can get sunburnt too. That's why apart from applying sun lotion, make sure sunglasses are also part of your day's accessory. Protecting your eyes from the sun lessens the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts down the line.

4. Work in well-lit areas

Being a night owl may suit your personality, but it might not necessarily be good for your eyes. Ensure that when you're working late into the night, your workstation is well-lit to avoid straining your eyes. Having extremely bright light won't be better, either. Look around and check your space if you've got just the right amount of light.

There's so much to see and experience in the world that taking care of your eyes should be an everyday goal. Pause for a moment to check your habits. Are you straining your eyes too much? Does your diet help sharpen your eyesight? If blurry vision is one of the problems you're experiencing these days, you might want to start with these questions. Afterward, take a second to consider if relying on supplements such as Optein Lutein might just be the extra support you need. —(MyPharma)

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