Grow Strong Bones & Healthy Joints with Calcium Support

Your 20s and 30s are perhaps the most exciting yet busiest years of your life. One may even argue that these early stages build the foundation for your future success. However, realizing your dreams and working toward reaching those goals, you may forget to properly maintain your health and keep your body in optimal shape.

Spending most of your days typing away at your desk may make you prone to stiff necks and sore shoulders. And as you carry on with this sedentary lifestyle, you may also be falling short of proper diet and exercise in your daily routine. However, your 30s are crucial years, especially for your joints and bones.

It's important to understand that bones go through a cycle of building new bones and breaking down the old. As you get past the age of 30, the building process slows down, and you tend to lose slightly more bone than what your body can replace. But there's no need for unnecessary worry.

There are still a few key things you can do to make sure you stay strong and limber in the years up ahead. Here are some practices to consider to keep your joints and bones in tip-top condition.

Turning exercise into a daily routine

Working up a daily sweat isn't only for the muscles alone. Bones and joints also benefit from a round of physical activity. Since, like muscles, bones are living tissue. It responds to exercise, and people who regularly work out generally achieve greater bone density and strength. Weight-bearing and resistance workouts are great exercises you can do to promote bone health.

Giving up on smoking

It's widely known that there are several health risks your body is introduced to in smoking tobacco. But apart from its effect on your lungs, both first- and second-hand smoking may also weaken your bone density. Smoking cessation is still a helpful way to combat and reverse the effects to improve the healthy state of your bones and joints later on.

Eating a proper diet

The healthy state of your bones and joints is largely affected by your regular diet. When you have the right vitamins and minerals, this helps your body in its physical processes like energy production and bone build-up. That's why you must receive a well-balanced stream of nutrients from the food you eat. If your goal is to maintain strong bones, you'll do yourself a great favor by keeping an eye on your calcium intake.

The Super Role of Calcium

Calcium serves as the building block of sturdy and healthy bones. However, your body cannot produce its own calcium. That is why it's vital to get the calcium you need from the food and supplements you consume. Although dairy products are a popular source of this mineral, you can also find calcium in other food varieties. Other high calcium food are cheese, salmon, sardines, tofu, yogurt, and leafy greens like spinach. But for individuals who cannot rely on dietary intake alone, like lactose intolerant people or women experiencing postmenopausal symptoms, calcium supplementation may be a more accessible alternative.

Being Calcium Strong

As your online pharmacy, we want to ensure you're getting the best support for your health. Here are some calcium supplements you can find from MyPharma suitable for your specific needs.

Caltrate Plus is an easy option for both young adolescents and adults looking for additional vitamins and minerals to fortify their bone health. It includes a surplus of calcium to help transform bones strong and flexible. Additionally, Caltrate Plus contains other key minerals such as magnesium and vitamin D3 that help maximize calcium absorption in the body and boost bone-supporting nutrients.

Calvit is a supplement specially formulated for growing teenagers and active adults to optimize their bone mass and joint strength. It also helps prevent diseases like osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, common forms of arthritis, and ailments that weaken bones.

For pregnant and expecting women, CAD3 is a suitable dietary calcium and vitamin D3 supplement. Supplementing with CAD3 provides the proper nourishment that one needs in the developing stages of child pregnancy.

It’s worthwhile to devote your time and energy to a future you’ll be quite proud of. But while you’re still far from that next chapter, don’t forget to also keep a good eye on the body that will allow you to enjoy the rewards. Invest in your health and be calcium strong every day. — (MyPharma)

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