Kapitbahay Tips

Down with Trangkaso? Here are 5 Tips to Bounce Back from Flu

Don’t let trangkaso, or flu, get in your way of healthy living. Learn how to fight and manage it!

Trangkaso, also known as flu, can hit hard and fast, leaving you feeling weak and miserable. It is essential to know how to manage it effectively so you can recover quickly and get back to your daily routine.

Now that the rainy season has already begun, we are here to help you fight off the flu. In this article, we will learn what flu is about, and present tips to help our fellow Kapitbahay bounce back from trangkaso and regain your health.

Ano ang trangkaso?

Flu, or trangkaso as known by Filipinos is a respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. The flu can range from mild to severe in some cases and can lead to respiratory complications such as pneumonia.

It is important to take note that flu is contagious. This can spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes, and even talks. The flu can also spread by touching surfaces or objects contaminated with the virus and then touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.

Ano ang mga sintomas ng trangkaso?

Understanding the symptoms of flu or trangkaso is crucial for early intervention. Early recognition allows you to start treatment sooner, potentially shortening the duration and severity of the illness. Here are some of the common symptoms of flu that you should watch out for:

  • Fever: A high temperature is often one of the first signs.

  • Cough: This can be dry or productive.

  • Body Aches: Your muscles and joints may feel sore.

  • Fatigue: You may feel unusually tired and weak.

  • Headache: Persistent headaches can accompany the flu.

Tips para labanan ang trangkaso o flu

1. Hydration is the key

Staying hydrated is one of the most important steps in recovering from trangkaso. Flu can cause dehydration, especially if you have a fever or are experiencing sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea. Drinking water can also help with coughs by keeping the throat moist and preventing irritation.

Adequate hydration supports the overall immune system, aiding the body’s ability to fight the flu. Drink plenty of fluids such as water, herbal teas, and clear broths. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as they can dehydrate you further.

2. Give your body a break

Your body needs energy to fight off the flu virus. Make sure to get plenty of rest, especially during the first few days when the flu virus is most active. Avoid strenuous activities and give yourself permission to take it easy.

Sleeping also helps your immune system function optimally, which is essential for a quick recovery. It helps fight off the flu by allowing the body to direct more energy toward the immune system, enhancing its ability to combat the virus.

3. Eat nutritious food

Even if you don’t feel like eating, try to consume nutrient-rich foods to support your immune system. Eating healthy food fights off flu by providing essential nutrients that strengthen the immune system.

Foods rich in vitamins C and D, zinc, and protein are particularly beneficial. Ensure to include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains in your diet. Soups and broths can be especially soothing and easy to digest. Here are some of our suggested nutritious foods to add to your diet:

  • Citrus fruits: Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.

  • Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, and mustasa (mustard greens).

  • Lean proteins: Chicken, fish, and tofu.

4. Stay at home as much as possible

Staying in your room or at home so the flu virus won’t spread should be a non-negotiable when experiencing trangkaso. By staying at home, you reduce contact with others, minimizing the chance of transmitting the virus.

Additionally, staying home allows you to rest and recover more effectively, aiding your immune system in fighting off the infection. This practice not only protects others but also promotes a faster and safer recovery for yourself.

5. Consider finally getting a vaccination

Research says that getting a vaccination is your best protection against the flu. Getting a flu vaccination helps treat and prevent flu by boosting your immune system's ability to fight the virus. Overall, getting vaccinated once a year is essential for effective flu prevention and control.

Mga mabisang gamot laban sa trangkaso

Medications can help relieve some of the symptoms of flu. Pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can reduce fever and body aches. Decongestants and antihistamines can alleviate nasal congestion and other respiratory symptoms.

Here are some of the medications you can take when experiencing trangkaso or flu:

Nasatapp No-Drowse helps manage flu or trangkaso symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches, and fever without feeling drowsy.

Nasatapp Flu, another Nasatapp product, is another excellent medication option for those who need relief from flu symptoms, which can help with better sleeping.

For your little ones experiencing cold or flu, Astrofen is an oral suspension medication, specifically made for kids. This is an ideal medication for children experiencing flu, as it is reliable in helping reduce fever and alleviate body aches.

Having flu or trangkaso can be challenging, but with the right remedy and products, you can recover swiftly and effectively. Apart from the tips that were discussed above, practicing good hygiene, such as washing hands frequently and covering coughs and sneezes, can also help prevent the spread of the flu.

If you feel like you’ll be undergoing one soon, don’t panic! Ensure to recognize the symptoms early, stay hydrated, rest well, eat nutritious foods, and take the right medications to alleviate symptoms. Remember, prevention is key, so take steps to protect yourself from the flu. Stay healthy and take care, Kapitbahay! — (MyPharma)

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